Thank you for coming. Read anything you want, say anything you want, enjoy your permaban!
Why Am I So Pissed Off?
Let’s get one thing straight. I’m pissed off. Why are you pissed off, you ask. Well, you’ve come to just about the only right place for an answer to that! Of course the answers are manifold, the truth of being pissed is a kaleidoscope of shit, and just like reality, there are as many reasons for being pissed off as there are humans on the planet, or stars in the sky. And only one of those shut the fuck up and sparkle.
I believe the Internet should be a marketplace of ideas, not a marketplace of… Well rather not a marketplace, mainly, but stay true to its origins and its nature- as a digital form of dive bar bathroom stall graffiti quips. At the very least, it should not deny it and hide it deep in its collective subconscious and develop neurotic phobias over it.
This will be my blog about censorship, freedom of speech, and being pissed off about being permabanned for speaking my mind. The right to express ourselves is fundamental. Having ones voice taken away or silenced for any reason whatsoever, is the most inhumane things anyone can endure. Ok being physically raped by a pedophile is worse, but being forced to shut up is right up there.
This is a blog about it. Enjoy.